Equipped with an operational transponder with altitude reporting capability and continuously squawk
an ATC assigned transponder code;
Equipped with an operational ADS
B Out when operating in airspace specified in 14 CFR 91.225;
Maintain two
way radio communications with ATC; and
Comply with all other applicable ADIZ requirements described in paragraph 5
4 and any other
national security requirements in paragraph 5
b. Diplomatic Clearances.
Foreign state aircraft may operate to or from, within, or in transit of U.S. territorial
airspace only when authorized by the U.S. State Department by means of a diplomatic clearance, except as
described in subparagraph 5
Information about diplomatic clearances is available at the U.S. State Department website
airspace/ (lower case only).
A diplomatic clearance may be initiated by contacting the U.S. State Department via email at or via phone at (202) 453
A diplomatic clearance is not required for foreign state aircraft operations that transit U.S. controlled oceanic airspace but
do not enter U.S. territorial airspace. (See subparagraph 5
8d for flight plan information.)
An FAA routing authorization for state aircraft operations of special interest countries listed in
subparagraph 5
11b. is required before the U.S. State Department will issue a diplomatic clearance for such
operations. (See subparagraph 5
11 for FAA routing authorizations information).
Foreign state aircraft operating with a diplomatic clearance must navigate U.S. territorial airspace on an
active IFR flight plan, unless specifically approved for VFR flight operations by the U.S. State Department in
the diplomatic clearance.
Foreign state aircraft operations to or from, within, or transiting U.S. territorial airspace; or transiting any U.S. controlled
oceanic airspace, should enter ICAO code M in Item 8 of the flight plan to assist in identification of the aircraft as a state
A foreign aircraft that operates to or from, within, or in transit of U.S. territorial airspace while conducting
a state aircraft operation is not authorized to change its status as a state aircraft during any portion of the approved,
diplomatically cleared itinerary.
A foreign aircraft described in subparagraph 5
8e above may operate from or within U.S. territorial
airspace as a civil aircraft operation, once it has completed its approved, diplomatically cleared itinerary, if the
aircraft operator is:
A foreign air carrier that holds valid FAA Part 129 operations specifications; and
Is in compliance with all other requirements applied to foreign civil aircraft operations from or within
U.S. territorial airspace. (See paragraphs 5
Foreign state aircraft operations are not authorized to or from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
Foreign state aircraft operating with a U.S. Department of State issued Diplomatic Clearance Number in
the performance of official missions are authorized to deviate from the Automatic Dependent
Broadcast (ADS
B) Out requirements contained in 14 CFR §§ 91.225 and 91.227. All foreign state
aircraft and/or operators associated with Department of Defense missions should contact their respective offices
for further information on handling. Foreign state aircraft not associated with Department of Defense should
coordinate with U.S. Department of State through the normal diplomatic clearance process.
i. Diplomatic Clearance Exceptions.
State aircraft operations on behalf of the governments of Canada and
Mexico conducted for the purposes of air ambulance, firefighting, law enforcement, search and rescue, or
National Security and Interception Procedures