TAAs may be modified from the standard size and shape to accommodate operational or ATC
requirements. Some areas may be eliminated, while the other areas are expanded. The “T” design may be
modified by the procedure designers where required by terrain or ATC considerations. For instance, the “T”
design may appear more like a regularly or irregularly shaped “Y,” upside down “L,” or an “I.”
7 depicts a TAA without a left base leg and right base leg. In this generalized example, pilots
approaching on a bearing TO the IF/IAF from 271 clockwise to 089 are expected to execute a course reversal
because the amount of turn required at the IF/IAF exceeds 90 degrees. The term “NoPT” will be annotated on
the boundary of the TAA icon for the other portion of the TAA.
TAA with Left and Right Base Areas Eliminated
8 depicts another TAA modification that pilots may encounter. In this generalized example,
the left base area and part of the straight-in area have been eliminated. Pilots operating within the TAA between
210 clockwise to 360 bearing TO the IF/IAF are expected to proceed direct to the IF/IAF and then execute the
course reversal in order to properly align the aircraft for entry onto the intermediate segment or to avoid an
excessive descent rate. Aircraft operating in areas from 001 clockwise to 090 bearing TO the IF/IAF are expected
to proceed direct to the right base IAF and not execute course reversal maneuver. Aircraft cleared direct the
IF/IAF by ATC in this sector will be expected to accomplish HILTP. Aircraft operating in areas 091 clockwise
to 209 bearing TO the IF/IAF are expected to proceed direct to the IF/IAF and not execute the course reversal.
These two areas are annotated “NoPT” at the TAA boundary of the icon in these areas when displayed on the
approach chart’s plan view.
Arrival Procedures