Precision Approach (PA). An instrument approach based on a navigation system that provides course
and glidepath deviation information meeting the precision standards of ICAO Annex 10. For example, PAR, ILS,
and GLS are precision approaches.
Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV). An instrument approach based on a navigation system that
is not required to meet the precision approach standards of ICAO Annex 10 but provides course and glidepath
deviation information. For example, Baro
VNAV, LDA with glidepath, LNAV/VNAV and LPV are APV
Nonprecision Approach (NPA). An instrument approach based on a navigation system which
provides course deviation information, but no glidepath deviation information. For example, VOR, NDB and
LNAV. As noted in subparagraph k, Vertical Descent Angle (VDA) on Nonprecision Approaches, some approach
procedures may provide a Vertical Descent Angle as an aid in flying a stabilized approach, without requiring its
use in order to fly the procedure. This does not make the approach an APV procedure, since it must still be flown
to an MDA and has not been evaluated with a glidepath.
The method used to depict prescribed altitudes on instrument approach charts differs according to
techniques employed by different chart publishers. Prescribed altitudes may be depicted in four different
configurations: minimum, maximum, mandatory, and recommended. The U.S. Government distributes charts
produced by National Geospatial
Intelligence Agency (NGA) and FAA. Altitudes are depicted on these charts
in the profile view with underscore, overscore, both or none to identify them as minimum, maximum, mandatory
or recommended.
Minimum altitude will be depicted with the altitude value underscored. Aircraft are required to maintain
altitude at or above the depicted value, e.g., 3000.
Maximum altitude will be depicted with the altitude value overscored. Aircraft are required to maintain
altitude at or below the depicted value, e.g., 4000.
Mandatory altitude will be depicted with the altitude value both underscored and overscored. Aircraft
are required to maintain altitude at the depicted value, e.g., 5000.
Recommended altitude will be depicted with no overscore or underscore. These altitudes are depicted
for descent planning, e.g., 6000.
Pilots are cautioned to adhere to altitudes as prescribed because, in certain instances, they may be used as the basis for
vertical separation of aircraft by ATC. When a depicted altitude is specified in the ATC clearance, that altitude becomes
mandatory as defined above.
The ILS glide slope is intended to be intercepted at the published glide slope intercept altitude. This point marks the PFAF
and is depicted by the ”lightning bolt” symbol on U.S. Government charts. Intercepting the glide slope at this altitude marks
the beginning of the final approach segment and ensures required obstacle clearance during descent from the glide slope
intercept altitude to the lowest published decision altitude for the approach. Interception and tracking of the glide slope
prior to the published glide slope interception altitude does not necessarily ensure that minimum, maximum, and/or
mandatory altitudes published for any preceding fixes will be complied with during the descent. If the pilot chooses to track
the glide slope prior to the glide slope interception altitude, they remain responsible for complying with published altitudes
for any preceding stepdown fixes encountered during the subsequent descent.
Approaches used for simultaneous (parallel) independent and simultaneous close parallel operations procedurally
require descending on the glideslope from the altitude at which the approach clearance is issued (refer to 5
15 and
16). For simultaneous close parallel (PRM) approaches, the Attention All Users Page (AAUP) may publish a note
which indicates that descending on the glideslope/glidepath meets all crossing restrictions. However, if no such note is
published, and for simultaneous independent approaches (4300 and greater runway separation) where an AAUP is not
published, pilots are cautioned to monitor their descent on the glideslope/path outside of the PFAF to ensure compliance
with published crossing restrictions during simultaneous operations.
When parallel approach courses are less than 2500 feet apart and reduced in-trail spacing is authorized for simultaneous
dependent operations, a chart note will indicate that simultaneous operations require use of vertical guidance and that the
Arrival Procedures