requested by the pilot. Vectors outside of controlled airspace will be provided only on pilot request. Pilots will
be advised as to what the vector is to achieve when the vector is controller initiated and will take the aircraft off
a previously assigned nonradar route. To the extent possible, aircraft operating on RNAV routes will be allowed
to remain on their own navigation.
When flying in Canadian airspace, pilots are cautioned to review Canadian Air Regulations.
Special attention should be given to the parts which differ from U.S. CFRs.
The Canadian Airways Class B airspace restriction is an example. Class B airspace is all controlled
low level airspace above 12,500 feet MSL or the MEA, whichever is higher, within which only IFR and
controlled VFR flights are permitted. (Low level airspace means an airspace designated and defined as such in
the Designated Airspace Handbook.)
Unless issued a VFR flight clearance by ATC, regardless of the weather conditions or the height of
the terrain, no person may operate an aircraft under VMC within Class B airspace.
The requirement for entry into Class B airspace is a student pilot permit (under the guidance or control
of a flight instructor).
VFR flight requires visual contact with the ground or water at all times.
Segments of VOR airways and high level routes in Canada are based on L/MF navigation aids and are
charted in brown color instead of blue on en route charts.
Adhering to Airways or Routes
5. Airway or Route Course Changes
Pilots of aircraft are required to adhere to airways or routes being flown. Special attention must be given
to this requirement during course changes. Each course change consists of variables that make the technique
applicable in each case a matter only the pilot can resolve. Some variables which must be considered are turn
En Route Procedures