When client or intruder aircraft maneuver excessively or abruptly, the tracking algorithm will
report incorrect horizontal position until the maneuvering aircraft stabilizes.
When a rapidly closing intruder is on a course that crosses the client at a shallow angle (either
overtaking or head on) and either aircraft abruptly changes course within
NM, TIS will display the intruder
on the opposite side of the client than it actually is.
These are relatively rare occurrences and will be corrected in a few radar scans once the course has stabilized.
(g) Heading/Course Reference.
Not all TIS aircraft installations will have onboard heading reference
information. In these installations, aircraft course reference to the TIS display is provided by the Mode S radar.
The radar only determines ground track information and has no indication of the client aircraft heading. In these
installations, all intruder bearing information is referenced to ground track and does not account for wind
correction. Additionally, since ground
based radar will require several scans to determine aircraft course
following a course change, a lag in TIS display orientation (intruder aircraft bearing) will occur. As in (f) above,
intruder distance and altitude are still usable.
(h) Closely
Spaced Intruder Errors.
When operating more than 30 NM from the Mode S sensor, TIS
forces any intruder within 3/8 NM of the TIS client to appear at the same horizontal position as the client aircraft.
Without this feature, TIS could display intruders in a manner confusing to the pilot in critical situations (for
example, a closely
spaced intruder that is actually to the right of the client may appear on the TIS display to the
left). At longer distances from the radar, TIS cannot accurately determine relative bearing/distance information
on intruder aircraft that are in close proximity to the client.
Because TIS uses a ground
based, rotating radar for surveillance information, the accuracy of TIS data is
dependent on the distance from the sensor (radar) providing the service. This is much the same phenomenon as
experienced with ground
based navigational aids, such as a VOR. As distance from the radar increases, the
accuracy of surveillance decreases. Since TIS does not inform the pilot of distance from the Mode S radar, the
pilot must assume that any intruder appearing at the same position as the client aircraft may actually be up to 3/8
NM away in any direction. Consistent with the operation of TIS, an alert on the display (regardless of distance
from the radar) should stimulate an outside visual scan, intruder acquisition, and traffic avoidance based on
outside reference.
e. Reports of TIS Malfunctions.
Users of TIS can render valuable assistance in the early correction of malfunctions by reporting their
observations of undesirable performance. Reporters should identify the time of observation, location, type and
identity of aircraft, and describe the condition observed; the type of transponder processor, and software in use
can also be useful information. Since TIS performance is monitored by maintenance personnel rather than ATC,
it is suggested that malfunctions be reported by radio or telephone to the nearest Flight Service Station (FSS)
TIS operates at only those terminal Mode S radar sites depicted in FIG 4
4. Though similar in some ways, TIS is not
related to TIS
B (Traffic Information Service
7. Automatic Dependent Surveillance
Broadcast (ADS
B) Services
a. Introduction.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance
Broadcast (ADS
B) is a surveillance technology deployed
6). The ADS
B system is composed of aircraft avionics and a ground
infrastructure. Onboard avionics determine the position of the aircraft by using the GNSS and transmit its
position along with additional information about the aircraft to ground stations for use by ATC and other ADS
services. This information is transmitted at a rate of approximately once per second. (See FIG 4
In the United States, ADS
B equipped aircraft exchange information on one of two frequencies: 978 or
1090 MHz. The 1090 MHz frequency is also associated with Mode A, C, and S transponder operations. 1090
Surveillance Systems