intended to be so rigidly applied that it causes grossly inefficient application of services. A minimum delay to
itinerant traffic may be appropriate to allow an aircraft practicing an approach to complete that approach.
A clearance to land means that appropriate separation on the landing runway will be ensured. A landing clearance does
not relieve the pilot from compliance with any previously issued restriction.
At airports without a tower, pilots wishing to make practice instrument approaches should notify the facility
having control jurisdiction of the desired approach as indicated on the approach chart. All approach control
facilities and ARTCCs are required to publish a Letter to Airmen depicting those airports where they provide
standard separation to both VFR and IFR aircraft conducting practice instrument approaches.
The controller will provide approved separation between both VFR and IFR aircraft when authorization
is granted to make practice approaches to airports where an approach control facility is located and to certain
other airports served by approach control or an ARTCC. Controller responsibility for separation of VFR aircraft
begins at the point where the approach clearance becomes effective, or when the aircraft enters Class B or Class
C airspace, or a TRSA, whichever comes first.
VFR aircraft practicing instrument approaches are not automatically authorized to execute the missed
approach procedure. This authorization must be specifically requested by the pilot and approved by the
controller. Where ATC procedures require application of IFR separation to VFR aircraft practicing instrument
approaches, separation will be provided throughout the procedure including the missed approach. Where no
separation services are provided during the practice approach, no separation services will be provided during the
missed approach.
Except in an emergency, aircraft cleared to practice instrument approaches must not deviate from the
approved procedure until cleared to do so by the controller.
At radar approach control locations when a full approach procedure (procedure turn, etc.,) cannot be
approved, pilots should expect to be vectored to a final approach course for a practice instrument approach which
is compatible with the general direction of traffic at that airport.
When granting approval for a practice instrument approach, the controller will usually ask the pilot to report
to the tower prior to or over the final approach fix inbound (nonprecision approaches) or over the outer marker
or fix used in lieu of the outer marker inbound (precision approaches).
When authorization is granted to conduct practice instrument approaches to an airport with a tower, but
where approved standard separation is not provided to aircraft conducting practice instrument approaches, the
tower will approve the practice approach, instruct the aircraft to maintain VFR and issue traffic information, as
When an aircraft notifies a FSS providing Local Airport Advisory to the airport concerned of the intent to
conduct a practice instrument approach and whether or not separation is to be provided, the pilot will be instructed
to contact the appropriate facility on a specified frequency prior to initiating the approach. At airports where
separation is not provided, the FSS will acknowledge the message and issue known traffic information but will
neither approve or disapprove the approach.
Pilots conducting practice instrument approaches should be particularly alert for other aircraft operating
in the local traffic pattern or in proximity to the airport.
23. Option Approach
The “Cleared for the Option” procedure will permit an instructor, flight examiner or pilot the option to make a
go, low approach, missed approach, stop
go, or full stop landing. This procedure can be very
beneficial in a training situation in that neither the student pilot nor examinee would know what maneuver would
be accomplished. The pilot should make a request for this procedure passing the final approach fix inbound on
an instrument approach or entering downwind for a VFR traffic pattern. After ATC approval of the option, the
pilot should inform ATC as soon as possible of any delay on the runway during their stop-and-go or full stop
Airport Operations