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Exit the runway without delay at the first available taxiway or on a taxiway as instructed by ATC. Pilots 

must not exit the landing runway onto another runway unless authorized by ATC. At airports with an operating 

control tower, pilots should not stop or reverse course on the runway without first obtaining ATC approval. 


Taxi clear of the runway unless otherwise directed by ATC. An aircraft is considered clear of the runway 

when all parts of the aircraft are past the runway edge and there are no restrictions to its continued movement 

beyond the runway holding position markings. In the absence of ATC instructions, the pilot is expected to taxi 

clear of the landing runway by taxiing beyond the runway holding position markings associated with the landing 

runway, even if that requires the aircraft to protrude into or cross another taxiway or ramp area. Once all parts 

of the aircraft have crossed the runway holding position markings, the pilot must hold unless further instructions 

have been issued by ATC. 




The tower will issue the pilot instructions which will permit the aircraft to enter another taxiway, runway, or ramp area 

when required. 


Guidance contained in subparagraphs a and b above is considered an integral part of the landing clearance and satisfies 

the requirement of 14 CFR Section 91.129. 


Immediately change to ground control frequency when advised by the tower and obtain a taxi clearance. 




The tower will issue instructions required to resolve any potential conflictions with other ground traffic prior to advising 

the pilot to contact ground control. 


Ground control will issue taxi clearance to parking. That clearance does not authorize the aircraft to “enter” or “cross” 

any runways. Pilots not familiar with the taxi route should request specific taxi instructions from ATC. 



22.  Practice Instrument Approaches 


Various air traffic incidents have indicated the necessity for adoption of measures to achieve more 

organized and controlled operations where practice instrument approaches are conducted. Practice instrument 

approaches are considered to be instrument approaches made by either a VFR aircraft not on an IFR flight plan 

or an aircraft on an IFR flight plan. To achieve this and thereby enhance air safety, it is Air Traffic’s policy to 

provide for separation of such operations at locations where approach control facilities are located and, as 

resources permit, at certain other locations served by ARTCCs or parent approach control facilities. Pilot requests 

to practice instrument approaches may be approved by ATC subject to traffic and workload conditions. Pilots 

should anticipate that in some instances the controller may find it necessary to deny approval or withdraw 

previous approval when traffic conditions warrant. It must be clearly understood, however, that even though the 

controller may be providing separation, pilots on VFR flight plans are required to comply with basic VFR 

weather minimums (14 CFR Section 91.155). Application of ATC procedures or any action taken by the 

controller to avoid traffic conflictions does not relieve IFR and VFR pilots of their responsibility to 



avoid other traffic while operating in VFR conditions (14 CFR Section 91.113). In addition to the 

normal IFR separation minimums (which includes visual separation) during VFR conditions, 500 feet vertical 

separation may be applied between VFR aircraft and between a VFR aircraft and the IFR aircraft. Pilots not on 

IFR flight plans desiring practice instrument approaches should always state ‘practice’ when making requests 

to ATC. Controllers will instruct VFR aircraft requesting an instrument approach to maintain VFR. This is to 

preclude misunderstandings between the pilot and controller as to the status of the aircraft. If pilots wish to 

proceed in accordance with instrument flight rules, they must specifically request and obtain, an IFR clearance. 


Before practicing an instrument approach, pilots should inform the approach control facility or the tower 

of the type of practice approach they desire to make and how they intend to terminate it, i.e., full

stop landing, 



go, or missed or low approach maneuver. This information may be furnished progressively when 

conducting a series of approaches. Pilots on an IFR flight plan, who have made a series of instrument approaches 

to full stop landings should inform ATC when they make their final landing. The controller will control flights 

practicing instrument approaches so as to ensure that they do not disrupt the flow of arriving and departing 

itinerant IFR or VFR aircraft. The priority afforded itinerant aircraft over practice instrument approaches is not 

Airport Operations