background image





5.  Holding Position Markings 

a.  Runway Holding Position Markings. 

For runways, these markings indicate where aircraft MUST STOP 

when approaching a runway. They consist of four yellow lines, two solid and two dashed, spaced six or twelve 

inches apart, and extending across the width of the taxiway or runway. The solid lines are always on the side 

where the aircraft must hold. There are three locations where runway holding position markings are encountered. 

1.  Runway Holding Position Markings on Taxiways. 

These markings identify the locations on a taxiway 

where aircraft MUST STOP when a clearance has not been issued to proceed onto the runway. Generally, runway 

holding position markings also identify the boundary of the runway safety area (RSA) for aircraft exiting the 

runway. Runway holding position markings are shown in FIG 2


13 and FIG 2


16. When instructed by 

ATC, “

Hold short of Runway XX

,” the pilot MUST STOP so that no part of the aircraft extends beyond the runway 

holding position marking. When approaching runways at airports with an operating control tower, pilots must 

not cross the runway holding position marking without ATC clearance. Pilots approaching runways at airports 

without an operating control tower must ensure adequate separation from other aircraft, vehicles, and pedestrians 

prior to crossing the holding position markings. An aircraft exiting a runway is not clear of the runway until all 

parts of the aircraft have crossed the applicable holding position marking. 



Runway holding position markings identify the beginning of an RSA, and a pilot MUST STOP to get clearance before 

crossing (at airports with operating control towers). 



AIM, Para 4


21, Exiting the Runway After Landing. 

2.  Runway Holding Position Markings on Runways. 

These markings identify the locations on runways 

where aircraft MUST STOP. These markings are located on runways used by ATC for Land And Hold Short 

Operations (for example, see FIG 4


8) and Taxiing operations. For taxiing operations, the pilot MUST STOP 

prior to the holding position markings unless explicitly authorized to cross by ATC. A sign with a white 

inscription on a red background is located adjacent to these holding position markings. (See FIG 2


14.) The 

holding position markings are placed on runways prior to the intersection with another runway, or some 

designated point. Pilots receiving and accepting instructions “

Cleared to land Runway XX, hold short of Runway 


” from ATC must either exit Runway XX prior to the holding position markings, or stop at the holding position 

markings prior to Runway YY. Otherwise, pilots are authorized to use the entire landing length of the runway 

and disregard the holding position markings. 

3.  Holding Position Markings on Taxiways Located in Runway Approach Areas. 

These markings are 

used at some airports where it is necessary to hold an aircraft on a taxiway located in the approach or departure 

area of a runway so that the aircraft does not interfere with the operations on that runway. This marking is 

collocated with the runway approach/departure area holding position sign. When specifically instructed by ATC, 

Hold short of Runway XX approach or Runway XX departure area,

” the pilot MUST STOP so that no part of 

the aircraft extends beyond the holding position marking. (See Subparagraph 2


8b2, Runway Approach Area 

Holding Position Sign, and FIG 2



b.  Holding Position Markings for Instrument Landing System (ILS). 

Holding position markings for ILS 

critical areas consist of two yellow solid lines spaced two feet apart connected by pairs of solid lines spaced ten 

feet apart extending across the width of the taxiway as shown. (See FIG 2


16.) A sign with an inscription in 

white on a red background is located adjacent to these hold position markings. When instructed by ATC to hold 

short of the ILS critical area, pilots MUST STOP so that no part of the aircraft extends beyond the holding 

position marking. When approaching the holding position marking, pilots must not cross the marking without 

ATC clearance. The ILS critical area is not clear until all parts of the aircraft have crossed the applicable holding 

position marking. 



AIM, Para 1


9, Instrument Landing System (ILS). 

c. Holding Position Markings for Intersecting Taxiways 

Holding position markings for intersecting 

taxiways consist of a single dashed line extending across the width of the taxiway as shown. (See FIG 2






Airport Marking Aids and Signs