antilog |
Antilogarithm to the base 10. |
C(k) |
dB |
Tone correction factor.
The factor to be added to PNL(k) to account for the presence of spectral irregularities such as tones at the k-th increment of time.
d |
s |
Duration time.
The time interval between the limits of t(1) and t(2) to the nearest 0.5 second.
D |
dB |
Duration correction.
The factor to be added to PNLTM to account for the duration of the noise.
Effective perceived noise level.
The value of PNL adjusted for both spectral irregularities and duration of the noise. (The unit EPNdB is used instead of the unit dB).
Effective perceived noise level adjusted for reference conditions. |
f(i) |
Hz |
The geometrical mean frequency for the i-th one-third octave band.
F (i, k) |
dB |
The difference between the original sound pressure level and the final background sound pressure level in the i-th one-third octave band at the k-th interval of time. In this case, background sound pressure level means the broadband noise level that would be present in the one-third octave band in the absence of the tone.
Code of Federal Regulations /
Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space /
Vol. 1 / 2024-01-01795 |
h |
dB |
The value to be subtracted from PNLTM that defines the duration of the noise.
H |
Percent |
Relative humidity.
The ambient atmospheric relative humidity.
i |
Frequency band index.
The numerical indicator that denotes any one of the 24 one-third octave bands with geometrical mean frequencies from 50 to 10,000 Hz.
k |
Time increment index.
The numerical indicator that denotes the number of equal time increments that have elapsed from a reference zero.
Log |
Logarithm to the base 10. |
log n(a) |
Noy discontinuity coordinate.
The log n value of the intersection point of the straight lines representing the variation of SPL with log n.
M(b), M(c), etc |
Noy inverse slope.
The reciprocals of the slopes of straight lines representing the variation of SPL with log n.
n |
noy |
The perceived noisiness at any instant of time that occurs in a specified frequency range. |
n(i,k) |
noy |
The perceived noisiness at the k-th instant of time that occurs in the i-th one-third octave band. |
n(k) |
noy |
Maximum perceived noisiness.
The maximum value of all of the 24 values of n(i) that occurs at the k-th instant of time.
N(k) |
noy |
Total perceived noisiness.
The total perceived noisiness at the k-th instant of time calculated from the 24-instantaneous values of n (i, k).
p(b), p(c), etc |
Noy slope.
The slopes of straight lines representing the variation of SPL with log n.
PNdB |
The perceived noise level at any instant of time. (The unit PNdB is used instead of the unit dB). |
PNL(k) |
PNdB |
The perceived noise level calculated from the 24 values of SPL (i, k), at the k-th increment of time. (The unit PNdB is used instead of the unit dB). |
PNdB |
Maximum perceived noise level.
The maximum value of PNL(k). (The unit PNdB is used instead of the unit dB).
Tone-corrected perceived noise level.
The value of PNL adjusted for the spectral irregularities that occur at any instant of time. (The unit TPNdB is used instead of the unit dB).
PNLT(k) |
The tone-corrected perceived noise level that occurs at the k-th increment of time. PNLT(k) is obtained by adjusting the value of PNL(k) for the spectral irregularities that occur at the k-th increment of time. (The unit TPNdB is used instead of the unit dB). |
Maximum tone-corrected perceived noise level.
The maximum value of PNLT(k). (The unit TPNdB is used instead of the unit dB).
Tone-corrected perceived noise level adjusted for reference conditions. |
s (i, k) |
dB |
Slope of sound pressure level.
The change in level between adjacent one-third octave band sound pressure levels at the i-th band for the k-th instant of time.
Δs (i, k) |
dB |
Change in slope of sound pressure level. |
s′ (i, k) |
dB |
Adjusted slope of sound pressure level. The change in level between adjacent adjusted one-third octave band sound pressure levels at the i-th band for the k-th instant of time. |
(i, k)
dB |
Average slope of sound pressure level. |
dB re
20 µPa
Sound pressure level.
The sound pressure level that occurs in a specified frequency range at any instant of time.
SPL(a) |
dB re
20 µPa
Noy discontinuity coordinate.
The SPL value of the intersection point of the straight lines representing the variation of SPL with log n.
SPL (c)
dB re
20 µPa
Noy intercept.
The intercepts on the SPL-axis of the straight lines representing the variation of SPL with log n.
SPL (i, k) |
dB re
20 µPa
The sound pressure level at the k-th instant of time that occurs in the i-th one-third octave band. |
SPL′ (i, k) |
dB re
20 µPa
Adjusted sound pressure level.
The first approximation to background sound pressure level in the i-th one-third octave band for the k-th instant of time.
Code of Federal Regulations /
Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space /
Vol. 1 / 2024-01-01796 |
SPL(i) |
dB re
20 µPa
Maximum sound pressure level.
The sound pressure level that occurs in the i-th one-third octave band of the spectrum for PNLTM.
dB re
20 µPa
Corrected maximum sound pressure level.
The sound pressure level that occurs in the i-th one-third octave band of the spectrum for PNLTM corrected for atmospheric sound absorption.
SPL′ (i, k) |
dB re
20 µPa
Final background sound pressure level.
The second and final approximation to background sound pressure level in the i-th one-third octave band for the k-th instant of time.
t |
s |
Elapsed time.
The length of time measured from a reference zero.
t(1), t(2) |
s |
Time limit.
The beginning and end, respectively, of the noise time history defined by h.
Δt |
s |
Time increment.
The equal increments of time for which PNL(k) and PNLT(k) are calculated.
T |
s |
Normalizing time constant.
The length of time used as a reference in the integration method for computing duration corrections, where T = 10s.
t(°F) (°C) |
°F, °C |
The ambient air temperature.
α(i) |
dB/1000ft db/100m |
Test atmospheric absorption.
The atmospheric attenuation of sound that occurs in the i-th one-third octave band at the measured air temperature and relative humidity.
dB/1000ft db/100m |
Reference atmospheric absorption.
The atmospheric attenuation of sound that occurs in the i-th one-third octave band at a reference air temperature and relative humidity.
Degrees |
First constant climb angle (Gear up, speed of at least V
+ 10 kt (V
+ 19 km/h), takeoff thrust).
Degrees |
Second constant climb angle (Gear up, speed of at least V
+ 10 kt (V
+ 19 km/h), after cut-back).
Degrees |
Thrust cutback angles.
The angles defining the points on the takeoff flight path at which thrust reduction is started and ended respectively.
η |
Degrees |
Approach angle. |
Degrees |
Reference approach angle. |
θ |
Degrees |
Noise angle (relative to flight path).
The angle between the flight path and noise path. It is identical for both measured and corrected flight paths.
ψ |
Degrees |
Noise angle (relative to ground).
The angle between the noise path and the ground. It is identical for both measured and corrected flight paths.
μ |
Engine noise emission parameter. |
Reference engine noise emission parameter. |
PNLT correction.
The correction to be added to the EPNL calculated from measured data to account for noise level changes due to differences in atmospheric absorption and noise path length between reference and test conditions.
Adjustment to duration correction.
The adjustment to be made to the EPNL calculated from measured data to account for noise level changes due to the noise duration between reference and test conditions.
Source noise adjustment.
The adjustment to be made to the EPNL calculated from measured data to account for noise level changes due to differences between reference and test engine operating conditions.