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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 135.100 

the FAA to determine whether the sec-
ond-in-command professional develop-
ment program is accomplishing its ob-

(2) The aircraft is a multiengine air-

plane or a single-engine turbine-pow-
ered airplane. The aircraft must have 
an independent set of controls for a 
second pilot flightcrew member, which 
may not include a throwover control 
wheel. The aircraft must also have the 
following equipment and independent 
instrumentation for a second pilot: 

(i) An airspeed indicator; 
(ii) Sensitive altimeter adjustable for 

barometric pressure; 

(iii) Gyroscopic bank and pitch indi-


(iv) Gyroscopic rate-of-turn indicator 

combined with an integral slip-skid in-

(v) Gyroscopic direction indicator; 
(vi) For IFR operations, a vertical 

speed indicator; 

(vii) For IFR operations, course guid-

ance for en route navigation and in-
strument approaches; and 

(viii) A microphone, transmit switch, 

and headphone or speaker. 

(3) The pilot assigned to serve as sec-

ond in command satisfies the following 

(i) The second in command qualifica-

tions in § 135.245; 

(ii) The flight time and duty period 

limitations and rest requirements in 
subpart F of this part; 

(iii) The crewmember testing require-

ments for second in command in sub-
part G of this part; and 

(iv) The crewmember training re-

quirements for second in command in 
subpart H of this part. 

(4) The pilot assigned to serve as 

pilot in command satisfies the fol-
lowing requirements: 

(i) Has been fully qualified to serve as 

a pilot in command for the certificate 
holder for at least the previous 6 cal-
endar months; and 

(ii) Has completed mentoring train-

ing, including techniques for rein-
forcing the highest standards of tech-
nical performance, airmanship and pro-
fessionalism within the preceding 36 
calendar months. 

(d) The following certificate holders 

are not eligible to receive authoriza-
tion for a second-in-command profes-

sional development program under 
paragraph (c) of this section: 

(1) A certificate holder that uses only 

one pilot in its operations; and 

(2) A certificate holder that has been 

approved to deviate from the require-
ments in § 135.21(a), § 135.341(a), or 
§ 119.69(a) of this chapter. 

[Doc. No. 16097, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978, as 
amended at 83 FR 30282, June 27, 2018] 

§ 135.100 Flight crewmember duties. 

(a) No certificate holder shall re-

quire, nor may any flight crewmember 
perform, any duties during a critical 
phase of flight except those duties re-
quired for the safe operation of the air-
craft. Duties such as company required 
calls made for such nonsafety related 
purposes as ordering galley supplies 
and confirming passenger connections, 
announcements made to passengers 
promoting the air carrier or pointing 
out sights of interest, and filling out 
company payroll and related records 
are not required for the safe operation 
of the aircraft. 

(b) No flight crewmember may en-

gage in, nor may any pilot in command 
permit, any activity during a critical 
phase of flight which could distract 
any flight crewmember from the per-
formance of his or her duties or which 
could interfere in any way with the 
proper conduct of those duties. Activi-
ties such as eating meals, engaging in 
nonessential conversations within the 
cockpit and nonessential communica-
tions between the cabin and cockpit 
crews, and reading publications not re-
lated to the proper conduct of the 
flight are not required for the safe op-
eration of the aircraft. 

(c) For the purposes of this section, 

critical phases of flight includes all 
ground operations involving taxi, take-
off and landing, and all other flight op-
erations conducted below 10,000 feet, 
except cruise flight. 



: Taxi is defined as ‘‘movement of an 

airplane under its own power on the surface 
of an airport.’’ 

[Doc. No. 20661, 46 FR 5502, Jan. 19, 1981] 

§ 135.101 Second in command required 

under IFR. 

Except as provided in § 135.105, no per-

son may operate an aircraft carrying