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10. Estimated Elapsed Times (EET) at boundaries or reporting points (Item 18 EET/) 

EETs are required for international or oceanic flights when crossing a Flight Information Region (FIR) boundary. 

The EET will include the ICAO four

letter location identifier for the FIR followed by the elapsed time to the 

FIR boundary (e.g., KZNY0245 indicates 2 hours, 45 minutes from departure until the New York FIR boundary). 



EET/MMFR0011 MMTY0039 KZAB0105 

11. Remarks (Item 18 RMK/) 

Enter only those remarks pertinent to ATC or to the clarification of other flight plan information. Items of a 

personal nature are not accepted. 




“DVRSN” should be placed in Item 11 only if the pilot/company is requesting priority handling to their original 

destination from ATC as a result of a diversion as defined in the Pilot/Controller Glossary. 


Do not assume that remarks will be automatically transmitted to every controller. Specific ATC or en route requests 

should be made directly to the appropriate controller. 

g. Flight Specific Supplemental Information (Item 19) 


 Item 19 data must be included when completing FAA Form 7233

4. This information will be retained by 

the facility/organization that transmits the flight plan to Air Traffic Control (ATC), for Search and Rescue 

purposes, but it will not be transmitted to ATC as part of the flight plan. 


Do not include Supplemental Information as part of Item 18. The information in Item 19 is retained with 

the flight plan filing service for retrieval only if necessary. 



Supplemental Information within Item 19 will be transmitted as a separate message to the destination FSS for VFR 

flight plans filed with a FSS or FAA contracted flight plan filing service. This will reduce the time necessary to con-

duct SAR actions should the flight become overdue, as this information will be readily available to the destination 

Flight Service Station. 


Minimum required Item 19 entries for a domestic flight are Endurance, Persons on Board, Pilot Name and 

Contact Information, and Color of Aircraft. Additional entries may be required by foreign air traffic services, 

or at pilot discretion. 


After E/ Enter fuel endurance time in hours and minutes. 


After P/ Enter total number of persons on board using up to 30 alphanumeric characters. Enter TBN (to 

be notified) if the total number of persons is not known at the time of filing. 







 R/ (Radio) Cross out items not carried 


 S/ (Survival Equipment) Cross out items not carried. 


 J/ (Jackets) Cross out items not carried. 


 D/ (Life Raft/Dinghies) Enter number carried and total capacity. Indicate if covered and color. 


 A/ (Aircraft Color and Markings) Enter aircraft color(s). 



White Yellow Blue 


N/ (Remarks. Not for ATC) select N if no remarks. Enter comments concerning survival equipment and 

information concerning personal GPS locating service, if utilized. Enter name and contact information for 

responsible party to verify VFR arrival/closure, if desired. Ensure party will be available for contact at ETA. (for 

example; FBO is open at ETA) 

Appendix 4


FAA Form 7233

 International Flight Plan