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routes are routinely defined by just 4 segments: departure point (lat/long), first en route grid waypoint, last en 

route grid waypoint prior to approach procedure, and destination point (lat/long). There are over 4,000 possible 

offshore landing sites. Upon reaching the waypoint prior to the destination, the pilot may execute an Offshore 

Standard Approach Procedure (OSAP), a Helicopter En Route Descent Areas (HEDA) approach, or an Airborne 

Radar Approach (ARA). For more information on these helicopter instrument procedures, refer to FAA AC 


80B, Approval of Offshore Standard Approach Procedures, Airborne Radar Approaches, and Helicopter En 

Route Descent Areas, on the FAA website under Advisory Circulars. The return flight plan 

is just the reverse with the requested stand

alone GPS approach contained in the remarks section. 


The large number (over 300) of waypoints in the grid system makes it difficult to assign phonetically 

pronounceable names to the waypoints that would be meaningful to pilots and controllers. A unique naming 

system was adopted that enables pilots and controllers to derive the fix position from the name. The five


names are derived as follows: 


The waypoints are divided into sets of 3 columns each. A three

letter identifier, identifying a 

geographical area or a NAVAID to the north, represents each set. 


Each column in a set is named after its position, i.e., left (L), center (C), and right (R). 


The rows of the grid are named alphabetically from north to south, starting with A for the northern 

most row. 



LCHRC would be pronounced “Lake Charles Romeo Charlie.” The waypoint is in the right

hand column of the Lake 

Charles VOR set, in row C (third south from the northern most row). 


In December 2009, significant improvements to the Gulf of Mexico grid system were realized with the 

introduction of ATC separation services using ADS

B. In cooperation with the oil and gas services industry, 

HSAC and Helicopter Association International (HAI), the FAA installed an infrastructure of ADS

B ground 

stations, weather stations (AWOS) and VHF remote communication outlets (RCO) throughout a large area of 

the Gulf of Mexico. This infrastructure allows the FAA’s Houston ARTCC to provide “domestic

like” air traffic 

control service in the offshore area beyond 12nm from the coastline to hundreds of miles offshore to aircraft 

equipped with ADS

B. Properly equipped aircraft can now be authorized to receive more direct routing, 

domestic en route separation minima and real time flight following. Operators who do not have authorization 

to receive ATC separation services using ADS

B, will continue to use the low altitude grid system and receive 

procedural separation from Houston ARTCC. Non


B equipped aircraft also benefit from improved VHF 

communication and expanded weather information coverage. 


Three requirements must be met for operators to file IFR flight plans utilizing the grid: 


The helicopter must be equipped for IFR operations and equipped with IFR approved GPS 

navigational units. 


The operator must obtain prior written approval from the appropriate Flight Standards District Office 

through a Letter of Authorization or Operations Specification, as appropriate. 


The operator must be a signatory to the Houston ARTCC Letter of Agreement. 


Operators who wish to benefit from ADS

B based ATC separation services must meet the following 

additional requirements: 


The Operator’s installed ADS

B Out equipment must meet the performance requirements of one of 

the following FAA Technical Standard Orders (TSO), or later revisions: TSO

C154c, Universal Access 

Transceiver (UAT) Automatic Dependent Surveillance

Broadcast (ADS

B) Equipment, or TSO


Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance

Broadcast (ADS

B) and Traffic Information. 


Flight crews must comply with the procedures prescribed in the Houston ARTCC Letter of 

Agreement dated December 17, 2009, or later. 



Helicopter IFR Operations