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motion, tend to maintain their original direction for as long as they continue in deep water, regardless of changes 

in wind direction. 

11.  Swell Height. 

The height between crest and trough, measured in feet. The vast majority of ocean swells 

are lower than 12 to 15 feet, and swells over 25 feet are not common at any spot on the oceans. Successive swells 

may differ considerably in height. 


In order to select a good heading when ditching an aircraft, a basic evaluation of the sea is required. 

Selection of a good ditching heading may well minimize damage and could save your life. It can be extremely 

dangerous to land into the wind without regard to sea conditions; the swell system, or systems, must be taken 

into consideration. Remember one axiom




In ditching parallel to the swell, it makes little difference whether touchdown is on the top of the crest 

or in the trough. It is preferable, however, to land on the top or back side of the swell, if possible. After 

determining which heading (and its reciprocal) will parallel the swell, select the heading with the most into the 

wind component. 


If only one swell system exists, the problem is relatively simple

even with a high, fast system. 

Unfortunately, most cases involve two or more swell systems running in different directions. With more than one 

system present, the sea presents a confused appearance. One of the most difficult situations occurs when two 

swell systems are at right angles. For example, if one system is eight feet high, and the other three feet, plan to 

land parallel to the primary system, and on the down swell of the secondary system. If both systems are of equal 

height, a compromise may be advisable

select an intermediate heading at 45 degrees down swell to both systems. 

When landing down a secondary swell, attempt to touch down on the back side, not on the face of the swell. 


If the swell system is formidable, it is considered advisable, in landplanes, to accept more crosswind in 

order to avoid landing directly into the swell. 


The secondary swell system is often from the same direction as the wind. Here, the landing may be made 

parallel to the primary system, with the wind and secondary system at an angle. There is a choice to two directions 

paralleling the primary system. One direction is downwind and down the secondary swell, and the other is into 

the wind and into the secondary swell, the choice will depend on the velocity of the wind versus the velocity and 

height of the secondary swell. 


The simplest method of estimating the wind direction and velocity is to examine the windstreaks on the 

water. These appear as long streaks up and down wind. Some persons may have difficulty determining wind 

direction after seeing the streaks on the water. Whitecaps fall forward with the wind but are overrun by the waves 

thus producing the illusion that the foam is sliding backward. Knowing this, and by observing the direction of 

the streaks, the wind direction is easily determined. Wind velocity can be estimated by noting the appearance 

of the whitecaps, foam and wind streaks. 


The behavior of the aircraft on making contact with the water will vary within wide limits according to 

the state of the sea. If landed parallel to a single swell system, the behavior of the aircraft may approximate that 

to be expected on a smooth sea. If landed into a heavy swell or into a confused sea, the deceleration forces may 

be extremely great

resulting in breaking up of the aircraft. Within certain limits, the pilot is able to minimize 

these forces by proper sea evaluation and selection of ditching heading. 


When on final approach the pilot should look ahead and observe the surface of the sea. There may be 

shadows and whitecaps

signs of large seas. Shadows and whitecaps close together indicate short and rough seas. 

Touchdown in these areas is to be avoided. Select and touchdown in any area (only about 500 feet is needed) 

where the shadows and whitecaps are not so numerous. 


Touchdown should be at the l


 speed and rate of descent which permit safe handling and optimum 

nose up attitude on impact. Once first impact has been made, there is often little the pilot can do to control a 



Once preditching preparations are completed, the pilot should turn to the ditching heading and commence 


down. The aircraft should be flown low over the water, and slowed down until ten knots or so above stall. 



Distress and Urgency Procedures