management specification (MSpec), or letter of authorization (LOA). There are no exceptions. Operators can
find comprehensive information on RNP AR aircraft eligibility, operating procedures, and training requirements
in AC 90
101, Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures with AR.
Unique characteristics of RNP AR Operations Approach title. The FAA titles all RNP AR instrument
approach procedures (IAP) as “RNAV (RNP) RWY XX.” Internationally, operators may find RNP AR IAPs
titled “RNP RWY XX (AR).” All RNP AR procedures will clearly state “Authorization Required” on the
procedure chart.
RNP value. RNP AR procedures are characterized by use of a lateral Obstacle Evaluation Area (OEA) equal
to two times the RNP value (2 x RNP) in nautical miles. No secondary lateral OEA or additional buffers are used.
RNP AR procedures require a minimum lateral accuracy value of RNP 0.30. Each published line of minima in
an RNP AR procedure has an associated RNP value that defines the procedure’s lateral performance requirement
in the Final Approach Segment. Each approved RNP AR operator’s FAA
issued authorization will identify a
minimum authorized RNP approach value. This value may vary depending on aircraft configuration or
operational procedures (e.g., use of flight director or autopilot).
fix (RF) legs. Many RNP AR IFPs contain RF legs. Aircraft eligibility for RF legs is required
in any authorization for RNP AR operations.
Missed Approach RNP value less than 1.00 NM. Some RNP AR IFPs require an RNP lateral accuracy value
of less than 1.00 NM in the missed approach segment. The operator’s FAA
issued RNP AR authorization will
specify whether the operator may fly a missed approach procedure requiring a lateral accuracy value less than
1.00 NM. AC 90
101 identifies specific operating procedures and training requirements applicable to this aspect
of RNP AR procedures.
standard speeds or climb gradients. RNP AR approaches may require non
standard approach speeds
and/or missed approach climb gradients. RNP AR approach charts will reflect any non
standard requirements
and pilots must confirm they can meet those requirements before commencing the approach.
RNP AR Departure Procedures (RNP AR DP). RNP AR approach authorization is a mandatory prerequisite
for an operator to be eligible to perform RNP AR DPs. RNP AR DPs can utilize a minimum RNP value of RNP
0.30, may include higher than standard climb gradients, and may include RF turns. Close in RF turns associated
with RNP AR DPs may begin as soon as the departure end of the runway (DER). For specific eligibility guidance,
operators should refer to AC 90
Arrival Procedures