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IAPs (standard and special, civil and military) are based on joint civil and military criteria contained in 

the U.S. Standard for TERPS. The design of IAPs based on criteria contained in TERPS, takes into account the 

interrelationship between airports, facilities, and the surrounding environment, terrain, obstacles, noise 

sensitivity, etc. Appropriate altitudes, courses, headings, distances, and other limitations are specified and, once 

approved, the procedures are published and distributed by government and commercial cartographers as 

instrument approach charts. 


Not all IAPs are published in chart form. Radar IAPs are established where requirements and facilities 

exist but they are printed in tabular form in appropriate U.S. Government Flight Information Publications. 


The navigation equipment required to join and fly an instrument approach procedure is indicated by the 

title of the procedure and notes on the chart. 



in IAPs are identified by the navigational system providing the final approach guidance and 

the runway to which the approach is aligned (e.g., VOR RWY 13). Circling only approaches are identified by 

the navigational system providing final approach guidance and a letter (e.g., VOR A). More than one 

navigational system separated by a slash indicates that more than one type of equipment must be used to execute 

the final approach (e.g., VOR/DME RWY 31). More than one navigational system separated by the word “or” 

indicates either type of equipment may be used to execute the final approach (e.g., VOR or GPS RWY 15). 



This procedure identification method has changed and these procedures will be revised in the course of the normal procedure 

amendment process. The slash and equipment (e.g., /DME) information will be removed with future amendments. Pilots 

should review the procedure’s notes, planview annotations, and PBN/equipment requirements boxes to determine the 

capability needed to accomplish the procedure. 


In some cases, other types of navigation systems including radar may be required to execute other 

portions of the approach or to navigate to the IAF (e.g., an NDB procedure turn to an ILS, an NDB in the missed 

approach, or radar required to join the procedure or identify a fix). When radar or other equipment is required 

for procedure entry from the en route environment, a note will be charted in the planview of the approach 

procedure chart (e.g., RADAR REQUIRED or ADF REQUIRED). When radar or other equipment is required 

on portions of the procedure outside the final approach segment, including the missed approach, a note will be 

charted in the notes box of the pilot briefing portion of the approach chart (e.g., RADAR REQUIRED or DME 

REQUIRED). Notes are not charted when VOR is required outside the final approach segment. Pilots should 

ensure that the aircraft is equipped with the required NAVAID(s) in order to execute the approach, including the 

missed approach. 



Some military (i.e., U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy) IAPs have these “additional equipment required” notes 

charted only in the planview of the approach procedure and do not conform to the same application standards 

used by the FAA. 


The FAA has initiated a program to provide a new notation for LOC approaches when charted on an 

ILS approach requiring other navigational aids to fly the final approach course. The LOC minimums will be 

annotated with the NAVAID required (e.g., “DME Required” or “RADAR Required”). During the transition 

period, ILS approaches will still exist without the annotation. 


Many ILS approaches having minima based on RVR are eligible for a landing minimum of RVR 1800. 

Some of these approaches are to runways that have touchdown zone and centerline lights. For many runways 

that do not have touchdown and centerline lights, it is still possible to allow a landing minimum of RVR 1800. 

For these runways, the normal ILS minimum of RVR 2400 can be annotated with a single or double asterisk or 

the dagger symbol “


 for example “** 696/24 200 (200/1/2).” A note is included on the chart stating “**RVR 

1800 authorized with use of FD or AP or HUD to DA.” The pilot must use the flight director, or autopilot with 

an approved approach coupler, or head up display to decision altitude or to the initiation of a missed approach. 

In the interest of safety, single pilot operators should not fly approaches to 1800 RVR minimums on runways 

without touchdown and centerline lights using only a flight director, unless accompanied by the use of an 

autopilot with an approach coupler. 

Arrival Procedures