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aircraft off a previously assigned nonradar route, the pilot will be advised briefly what the vector is to achieve. 

Thereafter, radar service will be provided until the aircraft has been reestablished “on-course” using an 

appropriate navigation aid and the pilot has been advised of the aircraft’s position or a handoff is made to another 

radar controller with further surveillance capabilities. 


Controllers will inform pilots of the departure control frequencies and, if appropriate, the transponder code 

before takeoff. Pilots must ensure their transponder/ADS

B is adjusted to the “on” or normal operating position 

as soon as practical and remain on during all operations unless otherwise requested to change to “standby” by 

ATC. Pilots should not change to the departure control frequency until requested. Controllers may omit the 

departure control frequency if a DP has or will be assigned and the departure control frequency is published on 

the DP. 



9.  Instrument Departure Procedures (DP) 

 Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODP), 

Standard Instrument Departures (SID), and Diverse Vector Areas (DVA) 


Instrument departure procedures are preplanned instrument flight rule (IFR) procedures which provide 

obstruction clearance from the terminal area to the appropriate en route structure. There are two types of DPs, 

Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODP), printed either textually or graphically, and Standard Instrument 

Departures (SID), always printed graphically. All DPs, either textual or graphic may be designed using either 

conventional or RNAV criteria. RNAV procedures will have RNAV printed in the title; for example, SHEAD 

TWO DEPARTURE (RNAV). ODPs provide obstruction clearance via the least onerous route from the terminal 

area to the appropriate en route structure. ODPs are recommended for obstruction clearance and may be flown 

without ATC clearance unless an alternate departure procedure (SID or radar vector) has been specifically 

assigned by ATC. Graphic ODPs will have (OBSTACLE) printed in the procedure title; for example, GEYSR 


Instrument Departures are air traffic control (ATC) procedures printed for pilot/controller use in graphic form 

to provide obstruction clearance and a transition from the terminal area to the appropriate en route structure. SIDs 

are primarily designed for system enhancement and to reduce pilot/controller workload. ATC clearance must be 

received prior to flying a SID. All DPs provide the pilot with a way to depart the airport and transition to the en 

route structure safely. 


A Diverse Vector Area (DVA) is an area in which ATC may provide random radar vectors during an 

uninterrupted climb from the departure runway until above the MVA/MIA, established in accordance with the 

TERPS criteria for diverse departures. The DVA provides obstacle and terrain  avoidance in lieu of taking off 

from the runway under IFR using an ODP or SID. 


Pilots operating under 14 CFR Part 91 are strongly encouraged to file and fly a DP at night, during marginal 

Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) and Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC), when one is 

available. The following paragraphs will provide an overview of the DP program, why DPs are developed, what 

criteria are used, where to find them, how they are to be flown, and finally pilot and ATC responsibilities. 


Why are DPs necessary? The primary reason is to provide obstacle clearance protection information to 

pilots. A secondary reason, at busier airports, is to increase efficiency and reduce communications and departure 

delays through the use of SIDs. When an instrument approach is initially developed for an airport, the need for 

DPs is assessed. The procedure designer conducts an obstacle analysis to support departure operations. If an 

aircraft may turn in any direction from a runway within the limits of the assessment area (see paragraph 5



and remain clear of obstacles, that runway passes what is called a diverse departure assessment and no ODP will 

be published. A SID may be published if needed for air traffic control purposes. However, if an obstacle 

penetrates what is called the 40:1 obstacle identification surface, then the procedure designer chooses whether 



Establish a steeper than normal climb gradient; or 


Establish a steeper than normal climb gradient with an alternative that increases takeoff minima to allow 

the pilot to visually remain clear of the obstacle(s); or 

Departure Procedures