High barometric pressure warning.
Laser light activity.
B, and FIS
B service availability.
based systems such as WAAS or GPS.
Special Notices.
International NOTAMs are published in ICAO format per Annex 15 and distributed to multiple countries.
International NOTAMs issued by the U.S. NOTAM Office use Series A followed by 4 sequential
numbers, a slant “/” and a 2
digit number representing the year the NOTAM was issued. International NOTAMs
basically duplicate data found in a U.S. Domestic NOTAM.
Not every topic of a U.S. Domestic NOTAM is issued as an International NOTAM by the U.S. The
U.S. International NOTAM will be linked to the appropriate U.S. Domestic NOTAM when possible.
International NOTAMs received by the FAA from other countries are stored in the U.S. NOTAM
The International NOTAM format includes a “Q” Line that can be easily read/parsed by a computer
and allows the NOTAM to be displayed digitally.
Field A: ICAO location identifier or FIR affected by the NOTAM.
Field B: Start of Validity.
Field C: End of Validity (both in [Year][Month][Day][Hour][Minute] format).
Field D: (when present) Schedule.
Field E: Full NOTAM description.
Field F: (when present) Lowest altitude, or “SFC.”
Field G: (when present) Highest altitude, or “UNL.”
For more on International format, please see Annex 15.
4. Military NOTAMs
are NOTAMs originated by the U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine, or Navy, and
pertaining to military or joint
use navigational aids/airports that are part of the NAS. Military NOTAMs are
published in the International NOTAM format and should be reviewed by users of a military or joint
use facility.
Security NOTAMS:
U.S. Domestic Security NOTAMS are FDC NOTAMS that inform pilots of certain U.S. security
activities or requirements, such as Special Security Instructions for aircraft operations to, from, within, or
transitioning U.S. territorial airspace. These NOTAMS are found on the Federal NOTAM System (FNS)
NOTAM Search website under the location designator KZZZ.
United States International Flight Prohibitions, Potential Hostile Situations, and Foreign Notices are
issued by the FAA and are found on the Federal NOTAM System (FNS) NOTAM Search website under the
location designator KICZ.