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To remain consistent with international terminology, the FAA will use the term GBAS in place of the former term Local Area 

Augmentation System (LAAS). 


An aircraft’s GLS approach capability relies on the broadcast from a GBAS Ground Facility (GGF) 

installation. The GGF installation includes at least four ground reference stations near the airport’s runway(s), 

a corrections processor, and a VHF Data Broadcast (VDB) uplink antenna. To use the GBAS GGF output and 

be eligible to conduct a GLS approach, the aircraft requires eligibility to conduct RNP approach (RNP APCH) 

operations and must meet the additional, specific airworthiness requirements for installation of a GBAS receiver 

intended to support GLS approach operations. When the aircraft achieves GLS approach eligibility, the aircraft’s 

onboard navigation database may then contain published GLS instrument approach procedures. 


During a GLS instrument approach procedure, the installation of an aircraft’s GLS capability provides the 

pilot three

dimensional (3D) lateral and vertical navigation guidance much like an ILS instrument approach. 

GBAS corrections augment the GPS signal


space by offering position corrections, ensures the availability 

of enhanced integrity parameters, and then transmits the actual approach path definition over the VDB uplink 

antenna. A single GBAS ground station can support multiple GLS approaches to one or more runways. 


Through the GBAS ground station, a GLS approach offers a unique operational service volume distinct 

from the traditional ILS approach service volume (see FIG 1


9). However, despite the unique service volume, 

in the final approach segment, a GLS approach provides precise 3D angular lateral and vertical guidance 

mimicking the precision guidance of an ILS approach. 


Transitions to and segments of the published GLS instrument approach procedures may rely on use of 

RNAV 1 or RNP 1 prior to an IAF. Then, during the approach procedure, prior to the aircraft entering the GLS 

approach mode, a GLS approach procedure design uses the RNP APCH procedure design criteria to construct 

the procedural path (the criteria used to publish procedures titled “RNAV (GPS)” in the US). Thus, a GLS 

approach procedure may include paths requiring turns after the aircraft crosses the IAF, prior to the aircraft’s 

flight guidance entering the GLS approach flight guidance mode. Likewise, the missed approach procedure for 

a GLS approach procedure relies exclusively on the same missed approach criteria supporting an RNP APCH. 


When maneuvering the aircraft in compliance with an ATC clearance to intercept a GLS approach prior to 

the final approach segment (e.g. “being vectored”), the pilot should adhere to the clearance and ensure the aircraft 

intercepts the extended GLS final approach course within the specified service volume. Once on the GLS final 

approach course, the pilot should ensure the aircraft is in the GLS approach mode prior to reaching the 

procedure’s glidepath intercept point. Once the aircraft is in the GLS flight guidance mode and captures the GLS 

glidepath, the pilot should fly the GLS final approach segment using the same pilot techniques they use to fly 

an ILS final approach or the final approach of an RNAV (GPS) approach flown to LPV minimums. See also the 

Instrument Procedures Handbook for more information on how to conduct a GLS instrument approach 





Navigation Aids