2. Correlated primary radar target [] :See note below. 3. Uncorrelated beacon target [ / ] 4. Correlated beacon target [ \ ] 5. Identing beacon target [5] :Note: in Number 2 correlated means the association of radar data with the computer projected track of an identified aircraft. Position symbols: 6. Free track (no flight plan tracking) [n] 7. Flat track (flight plan tracking) [] 8. Coast (beacon target lost) [#] 9. Present position hold [ ] Data block information: 10. Aircraft ident :See note below. 11. Assigned altitude FL 280, Mode C altitude same or within 200" of assigned altitude. :See note below. 12. Computer ID #191, handoff is to sector 33 (0-33 would mean handoff accepted) :See note below. 13. Assigned altitude 17,000", aircraft is climbing, Mode C readout was 14,300 when last beacon interrogation was received. 14. Leader line connecting target symbol and data block 15. Track velocity and direction vector line (projected ahead of target) 16. Assigned altitude 7,000, aircraft is descending, last Mode C readout (or last reported altitude) was 100" above FL 230 17. Transponder code shows in full data block only when different than assigned code 18. Aircraft is 300" above assigned altitude 19. Reported altitude (no Mode C readout) same as assigned. (An "n" would indicate no reported altitude.) 20. Transponder set on emergency Code 7700 (EMRG flashes to attract attention) 21. Transponder Code 1200 (VFR) with no Mode C 22. Code 1200 (VFR) with Mode C and last altitude readout Surveillance Systems 4-5-9