2. Use of AFIS is not mandatory, but pilots who choose to utilize two-way radio communications with the FSS are urged to listen to AFIS, as it relieves frequency congestion on the local airport advisory frequency. AFIS broadcasts are updated upon receipt of any official hourly and special weather, and changes in other pertinent data. 3. When a pilot acknowledges receipt of the AFIS broadcast, FSS specialists may omit those items contained in the broadcast if they are current. When rapidly changing conditions exist, the latest ceiling, visibility, altimeter, wind or other conditions may be omitted from the AFIS and will be issued by the FSS specialist on the appropriate radio frequency. EXAMPLE- "Kotzebue information ALPHA. One six five five zulu. Wind, two one zero at five; visibility two, fog; ceiling one hundred overcast; temperature minus one two, dew point minus one four; altimeter three one zero five. Altimeter in excess of three one zero zero, high pressure altimeter setting procedures are in effect. Favored runway two six. Weather in Kotzebue surface area is below V-F-R minima - an ATC clearance is required. Contact Kotzebue Radio on 123.6 for traffic advisories and advise intentions. Notice to Air Missions, Hotham NDB out of service. Transcribed Weather Broadcast out of service. Advise on initial contact you have ALPHA." NOTE- The absence of a sky condition or ceiling and/or visibility on Alaska FSS AFIS indicates a sky condition or ceiling of 5,000 feet or above and visibility of 5 miles or more. A remark may be made on the broadcast, "the weather is better than 5000 and 5." b. Pilots should listen to Alaska FSSs AFIS broadcasts whenever Alaska FSSs AFIS is in operation. NOTE- Some Alaska FSSs are open part time and/or seasonally. c. Pilots should notify controllers on initial contact that they have received the Alaska FSSs AFIS broadcast by repeating the phonetic alphabetic letter appended to the broadcast. EXAMPLE- "Information Alpha received." d. While it is a good operating practice for pilots to make use of the Alaska FSS AFIS broadcast where it is available, some pilots use the phrase "have numbers" in communications with the FSS. Use of this phrase means that the pilot has received wind, runway, and altimeter information ONLY and the Alaska FSS does not have to repeat this information. It does not indicate receipt of the AFIS broadcast and should never be used for this purpose. 4-1-15. Radar Traffic Information Service This is a service provided by radar ATC facilities. Pilots receiving this service are advised of any radar target observed on the radar display which may be in such proximity to the position of their aircraft or its intended route of flight that it warrants their attention. This service is not intended to relieve the pilot of the responsibility for continual vigilance to see and avoid other aircraft. a. Purpose of the Service 1. The issuance of traffic information as observed on a radar display is based on the principle of assisting and advising a pilot that a particular radar target"s position and track indicates it may intersect or pass in such proximity to that pilot"s intended flight path that it warrants attention. This is to alert the pilot to the traffic, to be on the lookout for it, and thereby be in a better position to take appropriate action should the need arise. 2. Pilots are reminded that the surveillance radar used by ATC does not provide altitude information unless the aircraft is equipped with Mode C and the radar facility is capable of displaying altitude information. b. Provisions of the Service 1. Many factors, such as limitations of the radar, volume of traffic, controller workload and communications frequency congestion, could prevent the controller from providing this service. Controllers possess complete discretion for determining whether they are able to provide or continue to provide this service in a specific case. Services Available to Pilots 4-1-11